- Distance between your eyes and the screen should be 50-80 cm (approximately an arm length), depending on monitor size and resolution. Adjust the distance of your screen (VGB DGUV Information 215-410, 2019, S. 93.).
- The angle of your line of vision to the middle of the screen should be approximately -35°, so also adjust the height of your screen (VGB DGUV Information 215-410, 2019, S.46.).
Legal requirements
The laptop is not suitable for longer use without external devices. If the laptop is used for more than one hour at a time, external devices are required to meet legal requirements and practice guidelines. To be able to work comfortably and productively with a laptop for a long time, a laptop stand, an external mouse, and an external keyboard are therefore indispensable. If you use an external monitor and position the laptop screen at the same height, both can also be used as a dual screen. (Arbeitsstättenverordnung, Anhang, 6.4 (3).)