Hard-working and motivated employees are important, but at the same time you should make sure that your employees do not exhaust themselves. It seems contradictory to allow your employees to take more frequent, but tiny, breaks, but it is proven that regular ‘pitstops’ lead to more productivity and well-being (
The Wellbeing Thesis).
Personal coach
To help you incorporate this advice and way of working we’ve developed your personal coach in WORK & MOVE™ Software. This software is your personal coach, providing enough alternation between digital screen work and mental and physical movement. The software advises you on an optimal work-movement-pitstop rhythm on the basis of your personal needs and helps you to make this personal rhythm your own.
Sit-stand profile
Aside your personal pitstop profile you can set a personal sit-stand profile to increase movement at your workplace as well. Little pop-up windows are shown on the screen and motivate to take periodic pitstops behind your desk of 10 seconds up to 3 minutes. But also reminds you when it's time to really get up and move based on clock time or your active computer time, which is measured by your mouse and keyboard usage.
By building in periodical mental and physical movement moments you keep your concentration and energy levels as high and stable as they can be, allowing you to make less mistakes, improve the quality of your work and do both in less time!